Tuesday 30 December 2014

Idea Knowledge of Healthcare Administration and Healthcare Management

How to Maintain a Healthy Home

Homes are intended to be safe and healthful places to live. However, there are many hazards in homes that can lead to asthma, lead poisoning, injuries or other health problems. By using these seven principles, most housing-based hazards can be eliminated. Keep the Home Dry By maintaining the roof, gutters, drainage, and interior sources of moisture, most homes can be kept dry. Excess moisture in homes creates conditions that can affect health including an increase of asthma symptoms and upper respiratory tract infections. Moisture in the home comes from inside sources (cooking, bathing, breathing, and washing) and outside sources (rain, groundwater, plumbing leaks, damp crawlspaces). Excess moisture in the home should be prevented through good construction and plumbing systems, temperature control, ventilation and home maintenance. Excess moisture and leaks in the home may lead to mold growth, pest infestations, and poor indoor air quality. Make sure windows and siding stay in good repair and are covered with intact paint. Keep gutters and downspouts clear and intact and make sure that rainwater drains away from the structure at the foundation. Most plumbing leaks occur at fixtures. Seals at toilets, P-traps under sinks, and shower surrounds and pans need to be inspected and maintained to prevent leakage. Cooking and bathing generate moisture and require adequate ventilation to prevent excess moisture from building up. All exhaust fans in kitchens and bathrooms and clothes dryers should be vented to the exterior of the building, not in an attic or crawl space. Keep the Home Clean Through regular cleaning, reducing dust brought into the home, and eliminating clutter, homes can be kept clean. Pesticides, allergens, and general chemicals in the home can cause allergic reactions, asthma and asthma exacerbation, and toxic exposure effects. Potential sources of allergens and contaminants in the home come from outdoor and indoor sources. Keeping a home clean includes controlling the source of dirt and other contaminants, creating smooth and cleanable surfaces, reducing clutter, and using effective cleaning methods. Keep the Home Pest-Free By sealing entry holes, eliminating water sources, and keeping food in sealed containers, most pests can be eliminated. Pests can create allergens and be vectors of disease. Control of pests through pesticides can lead to poisonings and other neurological problems. Some pesticides found in homes have been banned. Use materials that are less toxic to humans such as diatomaceous earth and boric acid to kill drive away insect pests. Integrated Pest Management is the recommended strategy. There are materials which are toxic to pests and not very toxic to humans. The house should be made less hospitable for pests by preventing entry into the home by sealing holes, denying pests food, water, and places for shelter. Keep the Home Ventilated Homes can be kept well ventilated by using exhaust fans in kitchens and bathrooms and opening windows. Ventilation plays an important role in maintaining health. Ventilation is necessary to add heat, remove heat, add or remove humidity, and dilute or remove contaminants. Local exhaust ventilation (like kitchen and bathroom fans) removes contaminants from a point source, while whole house ventilation (by opening windows) uses fresh air to dilute contaminants. Keep the Home Safe Homes can be kept safe by maintaining the home and safety equipment such as smoke detectors. An injury is NOT the same as an accident. Most injuries are preventable. There are many simple and inexpensive ways to prevent home injuries. Children and older adults are more at risk for injuries in the home. Falls, poisoning, and fires or burns are the most common causes of injuries and deaths. Keep clutter to a minimum to avoid tripping hazards in your home. Outdoor porches, stairs and decks should be inspected regularly to ensure that they are structurally sound. If a structural hazard is suspected, do not use the component until repairs are made. Outdated and overloaded systems and makeshift modifications are the most common causes of electrical hazards. Outlets near water sources or outdoors should have Ground Fault Circuit Interrupter (GFCI) protection. Overloaded circuits and faulty fixtures can overheat and cause fires. Bare wires can be an electrocution hazard. Place smoke detectors in hallways, bedrooms and living rooms and change the batteries at least yearly; a good time to do this is when the change to Daylight Savings Time occurs. Keep flammable materials in a cool, well-ventilated space. Buy a fire extinguisher and mount it on the wall of the kitchen and read the directions so you'll know how to use it. If you can, retrofit your home for earthquake safety and make sure the water heater is secured so it doesn't fall over during an earthquake
Keep the Home Contaminant-Free Homes can be kept contaminant free by using safe household products and keeping painted surfaces in good condition. It is easier to prevent exposure to contaminants than it is to remove them and treat their effects. Should contamination occur: control, contain, and clean-up. Contaminants are not always detectable by our senses. Older homes (built before 1978) may have lead in the paint. Keep all painted surfaces in good condition. Keep all materials that are toxic (cleaners, paints, solvents, and medicines) out of the reach of children and in locked cabinets. Keep the Home Maintained Internal and external home systems should be inspected regularly to ensure they are functioning properly. Some maintenance activities require the use of trained professionals

Maintain a Healthy Home With Great Medical Facilities

The home is the "Abode of Peace" for the people who live in it. It is the place where people live with their loved ones and that is why sanctity of the home is always a matter of high priority. People themselves try their best to maintain the home health. Maintaining a good and healthy atmosphere at the residence is an important task that is directly related with the health and hygiene of the people who live in these houses. However, there are certain things that require expert handling and these technical things are required to be handled by expert people who have special training in this field. It is true that these matters are extremely sophisticated and that is why people should take no risk in them as a single risk can create problems with them that can be hazardous for them. There are many companies and organizations that are engaged in this service of providing home care and they help the people to maintain a healthy home. These companies are run and managed by expert professionals and they also have the services of expert people who can work efficiently to provide a clean and clear home that is totally free from any diseases and any other type of health hazards. These companies provide group home service that includes all services that are related with home care. These companies are known for their expert dealings in their field. If somebody in your family is suffering from any disease and you are not capable of handling him or her, then also you can remember these companies as they also provide medical staffing that are supported nicely by expert nurses who are well qualified in their services. These companies also provide private duty care personnel who are also trained and experienced to handle all the conditions that are related with the health and hygiene of your house. The nursing staffing facilities of these companies are also very dependable as their nurses are capable of all types of medical support that are advised by the attending doctors. The main goal of these medical companies is to make each and every home fit and safe for human living. There is no doubt that with the help of these companies, you can maintain a very good condition of your house. However, the responsibility of maintaining a healthy atmosphere in the house does not lie with these companies only. After giving the contract of managing the dirt and filth of your house, you cannot feel at ease as it is your house and it is also your responsibility to keep it neat and clean. You are advised to follow the instructions that are given to you by the expert cleaners of your house. While they are working, you must try to keep an eye on them and you must try to learn how the cleaning work is done. You can also try them later whenever it gets required. Apart from taking responsibility of cleaning your home, these companies also take the responsibility of maintaining the cleanliness of your area too. It is a costly matter and that is why the constituents of the community should arrange their payment. They can even get it sponsored by bigger companies, if they lie in the area. You can also avail the services of these companies that are engaged in the field of employment staffing. These companies employ people, preferably women, who work under their influence without becoming a permanent employee of the company. People who would take their services must try to pay them adequately.

Healthy Home Environment

We spend most of our lives at home. This is the place where we sleep, eat, relax, work, meat with friends, spend time with our families. And we want this place to be safe and comfortable for us in every respect. There are several attributes of a healthy home, and you need to pay attention to each one of them if you want to maintain proper environment for you and your family. Most women think that if they want to maintain a healthy home environment, regular cleaning is all they need to do. But this is only half the story. There are many more aspects that you have to be aware of, otherwise they will cause really unwanted consequences.
So, here is the picture of a perfect home: clean and organized, dry, pest-free, ventilated, free of toxins. These features are really important, and their proper treatment is crucial for your health, both physical and mental. Clean. This aspect is pretty obvious. You can't speak of a healthy environment in a dirty house. Keeping your house clean and organized should be an essential part of your everyday routine. Yes, organization is extremely important as well, especially for mental health. Researches show that people living in poorly organized homes more often suffer from stresses, frustration, anxiety, mood swings and other mental problems. Dry. Excess moisture creates great conditions for growing and spreading of mold, which destroys not only your house, but your health as well. Mold spores can cause strong allergic reaction, asthma attacks and other respiratory problems. Besides, wet surfaces are perfect for bacteria, viruses and insects. Pest-free. Cockroaches, lice, dust mites, bed bugs and other home insects can spread dangerous diseases, cause allergies, skin conditions and irritations, weaken your immunity. This is why proper pest control is also crucial for creating a comfortable and safe home. Ventilated. According to researches, indoor air in some modern houses may become more harmful and polluted than outdoor air in the biggest industrial cities. Excess CO2, dust, viruses, our skin and hair particles, evaporations from furniture surface and construction materials, emitted toxins, smoke - all this creates an awful mixture that is simply not appropriate for breathing. But the problem is that we are all so accustomed to it that we don't even notice that. This is why it's important to make sure that you breathe clean and fresh air at home: regularly ventilate every room, especially bedrooms, purchase an air conditioner and purifier. Toxin free. In modern world, toxins are literally everywhere. Harmful chemicals are in the air, water, food, furniture, carpets, clothes, toys. But we want to make sure our environment is as toxin free as possible. With this in mind, prefer high-quality, expensive, natural materials for your house, don't overuse detergents and household chemicals or even learn how to make your own natural cleaning solutions, avoid purchasing plastic and rubber items with a strong smell, buy natural cosmetics and personal care products, avoid synthetic fabrics, especially for your underwear, sleepwear and bed linen. In your diet, prefer organic ingredients, avoid highly processed and instant foods, drink bottled or filtered water.

Useful tips for maintaining a healthy home

Simple modifications to your daily routine may help you keep germs that cause infections, like the cold and flu, and allergens at bay. It is important to notice when and where you first start to feel ill because it may help you and your doctor uncover the cause. By doing these simple things you can make your environment healthier and safer for yourself and your family. Living areas Keeping your house clean and free from excess dust, molds and bacteria: Use a disinfectant to clean commonly touched surfaces, like the telephone and doorknobs. Keep the windows closed and use air conditioning if you are allergic to pollen. Don't use fans - they stir up dust. Clean air filters frequently and air ducts at least once a year. Filter the air; cover air conditioning vents with cheesecloth to filter pollen and use a high efficiency particulate air filter (HEPA) if you have a forced air furnace. Keep the humidity in your house below 50 percent to prevent mold growth. Avoid damp areas where molds collect like basements, garages, crawl spaces, barns, compost heaps; clean these areas often. Installing a dehumidifier in inside areas can make a big difference, but be sure to clean it every week. If you have pets, consider keeping them outside if possible; animal dander and saliva are allergens for many people. Otherwise, do not allow pets in the bedroom and be sure to bathe pets often. Vacuum twice a week. When possible, choose hardwood floors instead of carpeting. If you must have carpeting, choose low pile material. Avoid Venetian blinds or long drapes because they collect dust. Replace old drapes and use window shades instead. Wash shower curtains and bathroom tiles with mold-killing solutions. Limit the number of indoor plants you have. Mold sometimes grows on the damp soil. Use plastic covers for pillows, mattresses and box spring; avoid overstuffed furniture and down-filled bedding or pillows. Limit throw rugs to reduce dust and mold. If you do have rugs, make sure they are washable. Wear a mask and gloves when cleaning, vacuuming or painting to limit dust and chemical exposure. Don't allow smoking in your house. Kitchen Clean your kitchen sink and counters with antibacterial solutions after each use. Bacteria left from meats and vegetables can flourish and get on your hands, utensils or other foods you are preparing. Do not use the same utensils for uncooked food without washing them first. Wash utensils with warm water and soap after each use, especially when preparing meat. Laundry Air out damp clothes and shoes (in the house) before storing. Remove laundry from the washing machine promptly; don't leave wet clothes in the washer. Wash your bedding once a week in hot water. Don't hang clothes or linens out to dry, as pollen and molds may collect in them and can make your allergies worse. Outdoors Check the forecast; stay indoors as much as possible on hot, dry, windy days when pollen counts are generally the highest. Try to avoid extreme temperature changes, as they are triggers for some people with asthma, but also help incubate germs. If possible, stay indoors between 5:00 and 10:00 a.m. when outdoor pollen counts are usually highest. Wear shoes, long pants and sleeves and do not wear scented deodorants, perfumes, shampoos or hair products to protect yourself from insect stings. Wear a mask and gloves when gardening. While different flowers have allergy-inducing pollens, soil also has molds and fungi. Avoid raking the leaves or working with hay or mulch if you are allergic to mold. After being outdoors, take a shower, wash your hair and change your clothes to remove pollen that may have collected in your clothes and hair.

Monday 22 December 2014

Paradise Found: Top 10 Dreamiest Homes of 2014

Every year brings an array of dream homes to the market—some old and some new, but all spectacular in their own right. When you hear the words “dream home,” you might conjure up a vision of a place with fabulous views, a home with awesome architectural flourishes or a mansion where closet space is never a concern. We combed through the houses we’ve featured over the past year and found a mix of homes that cover all of the dream bases. To learn more about any of our top 10, simply click on the pictures below. Henman House — Malibu, CA Located high on a hill in the ultra-exclusive Malibu, the fascinating Henman House listed earlier this year for $9.2 million. Designed by architect Ed Niles, this one-of-a-kind home makes extensive use of glass to create an effect that brings the outdoors in. The home’s soaring ceilings and dramatic angles make the home look like the world’s coolest cathedral.
Hyperbolic Paraboloid — New Canaan, CT Just up the road from Philip Johnson’s revered Glass House, this New Canaan, CT, Mid-Century marvel shatters the mold of conventional rooflines. Built in 1960 and described by architect James Evans as a “hyperbolic paraboloid,” the home’s distinctive shape is made up of straight lines fooling the eye into seeing a curvy, swooping space that looks as if it’s ready to take flight. If you love the Mid-Century look of this place, you’re in luck: The home is still available for a cool $2 million.
Marc Bell Mansion — Boca Raton, FL Back in May, we asked if you were looking for the “greatest nerd space on earth.” That question remains applicable to this still-available Boca Raton, FL, mansion. While the over the top opulence is visible throughout the $35 million home, the Star Trek-themed wet bar is what cements this mansion’s spot among the most unique homes of the year. Other themed rooms in the sprawling 27,000-square-foot home include an fully stocked arcade, a Call of Duty-themed video game room and a home theater resembling the bridge from “Star Trek: Enterprise.”
Collins House — Hopewell, NJ Located in Hopewell, NJ, and designed by architect Philip Collins, this wide-open home with walls of windows also blends the indoors and outdoors—but with a twist: The home has no interior supporting walls, which means there’s total flexibility in terms of the home’s interior layout. How did they do that? Well, it’s post and beam construction that relies on a series of a stone pillars that ring the outside of the home. The listing price has dropped a bit and is now sitting at $1.6 million. Not bad for a light-filled architectural marvel …
Kentucky Castle — Versailles, KY For fantasy fanatics, this 50-room castle would prove ideal for staging re-enactments of battles of yore. Used primarily as an event facility, this ode to medieval times is smack-dab in the unlikely locale of Versailles, KY. Listed for $30 million in April, the 16-bedroom home is currently off the market—perhaps it found a prince who couldn’t resist.
Iowa’s Most Expensive Home — Urbandale, IA Speaking of unlikely locales, this innovative Iowa mansion might seem more at home on the coasts, but its appeal is universal. Located on six wooded acres just outside Des Moines, it’s the most expensive residential listing in the state. Still on the market for $4.9 million, the home’s interior woodwork and enormous outdoor decks have to be seen to be believed. And that’s not all: The home comes equipped with its own indoor greenhouse, indoor waterfall, built-in aquarium and private pond in the backyard.
Casa de Las Palmas — Rancho Santa Fe, CA In Rancho Santa Fe, CA, you’ll find the enchanting Casa de Las Palmas. Listed for $17.9 million, the sprawling estate offers the California dream on a large scale. The listing agent we spoke with in October said the Casa’s landscaping alone was worth millions of dollars. The 16,006-square-foot home even comes with a unique buyer’s perk: a $250,000 gift card for private jet travel.
Glencliff — Mount Kisco, NY The stately brick mansion known as Glencliff listed for $23 million in October. Just 45 minutes from Manhattan, this Mount Kisco, NY, manor has been totally revamped inside while preserving the historical significance of the home. Its blend of contemporary style inside with imposing old-school design outside works in spectacular fashion.
Wit’s End — Pebble Beach, CA Named Wit’s End, this stunning home sits right off the 13th hole of Pebble Beach Golf Course. Owned for years by billionaire mogul Richard Mellon Scaife, the marvelous Mediterranean estate listed in September for $31.25 million. In unsurprising news, the home sold for its asking price just one month later. The stunning views from this Pebble Beach palace were too beautiful to linger on the market for an extended period.
La Palais Royal — Hillsboro Beach, FL And finally, the former title holder for most expensive listing in the U.S. La Palais Royal listed in September for $139 million and the 11-bedroom, 17-bathroom mega mansion offers over 40,000 square feet of living space. And if you’re in the mood for a movie, it’s no mundane home theater for this palace. Of course, the home boasts its own IMAX screen. Since surpassed by the $195 million Palazzo di Amore in Beverly Hills, CA, we still have a special place in our heart for this extravagant Florida palais.

Looking Back at Joan Rivers’ Country House in Connecticut

After Joan Rivers died last week at the age of 81, a lot of news outlets featured photos of her opulent New York City penthouse. But I kept thinking about the stone and clapboard country house she remodeled in Connecticut.
When she bought the house, it was fairly contemporary, with low ceilings and sleek lines. Her designer Joe Cicio said, “Joan said she wanted a country house. And I said, ‘Well, you sure didn’t buy one.’” This is what the living room looked like before she remodeled it:
At least it had the stone fireplace going for it, and she was able to keep it and make it look more traditional with built-in bookshelves on either side. The ceilings were raised and given wood beams, and the floors were stained a darker color. Here’s how it looked in Architectural Digest about 10 years ago:
She put the house on the market for $5.9 million a few years ago, and here’s how the room looked in the listing:
The other side of the room as seen in AD:
She told AD she went with pink in her bedroom because it was one of her favorite colors: “I’ve always loved pink.” Here’s a photo of her in it with her three little dogs: This room really shows her softer side that we didn’t see much in public. She said she liked the white-painted palm tree because it was “silly and whimsical.” A portrait of her with her daughter Melissa hung over the fireplace (by watercolor artist David Remfry).
One of the most amazing transformations in the house had to be this narrow, dark hallway: Here’s how it looked after they redesigned it, opening it up to let light in with antique mirrors and trompe l’oeil windows depicting the homes of family members and friends (including Prince Charles — yep, they were friends!):
The kitchen has high, beamed ceilings and butcher block countertops:
There’s a comfortable eating area off it with a stone fireplace, which she opted for instead of a formal dining room:
The house sits on more than 75 acres.
Her $35 million Upper East Side penthouse is much more formal (you can see photos of it at the Daily Mail). She once said it’s “Where Marie Antoinette would have lived if she had the money.”
I would’ve chosen the country house, though. What about you?

Indiana Pacers Exec Kevin Pritchard Drops Listing Price

Life at the highest levels of professional sports often involves having to move to new cities hundreds or thousands of miles away—after all, the jobs are few and far between. Often it means you have to sell your home after only a few years, as in the case of NBA general manager Kevin Pritchard.
Pritchard starting working in the front office of the Portland Trailblazers in 2003, and four years later, he was named the team’s general manager. Soon after, he bought a beautiful lakeside home for $1.6 million.
Pritchard was fired in 2010, and his Oregon residence has been on the market since then. After several markdowns over the years, the house is current priced at $2.595 million; Terry Sprague is the listing agent.
Located in Lake Oswego, OR, the house sits on the southeast end of Lake Oswego itself, a few miles from George Rogers Park. Downtown Portland is just a 20-minute drive north.
The Mediterranean-style house sits right on the shore of the lake and surrounded by greenery. You can take a boat out on to the lake though your private dock, and a patio area allows you to gather lakeside. The outdoor fireplace will keep you warm when it’s chilly outside, and there are plenty of balconies along the house for enjoying the lake.
Totaling 4,070 square feet, the house has five bedrooms, four full bathrooms and two half baths. The house is filled with natural wood accents and beams that perfectly match the location. The floors in the shared areas are made of 100-year-old Douglas Fir wood.
The gourmet kitchen is great for entertaining—it’s large and spacious, while offering counter seating for your guests, and it leads to a lakeside balcony.
Pritchard rebounded from his dismissal in Portland and is currently the general manager of the Indiana Pacers. Before becoming an NBA exec, he played in the league for six years and holds the distinction of being the first player to be signed by the Vancouver Grizzlies in 1995. Pritchard was drafted by the Golden State Warriors as the 34th overall pick in 1990 after winning an NCAA title with the University of Kansas in 1988.

Wednesday 17 December 2014

Green Celebrity Home Choices

With more than enough money to spare, celebrities do not have to think twice about the environment. But, nevertheless, they do. Some of the top celebrities in the game are living life with eco-friendly choices and gree homes. Celebs like Leonardo DiCaprio, Brad Pitt and Ed Begley Jr. all choose green homes over saving their green. Leonardo DiCaprio has to be one of the most noticed of all eco-friendly celebrities. His home offers a wealth of features aimed at saving the environment and mother Earth. The latest green addition to his home is a $3200 green toilet. The toilet is a combination of celebrity flare and the upper echelon of green technology. Brad Pitt approaches living green is a totally different way than Leonardo DiCaprio. Brad Pitt pays millions of dollars to help other renovate their homes and their lives in a green and eco-friendly manner. Just recently Brad Pitt paid more than $5 million to up and start a green town renovation for charity. And as if this donation was not enough, Brad Pitt and partner, Angelina Jolie, are in the market to buy an island just to promote greener living. The most green of all celebrities has to be Ed Begley Jr. Ed Begley Jr. tops the charts when it comes to changing the way we live in our homes for the sake of nature. From bicycling his way to a perfect piece of toast to competing with his neighbors and friends to have the best energy panels on his homes roof, Ed Begley Jr. lives as close to nature as he can without giving up the four walls of his home. Some celebrities have moved from living the lavish life of excess to living a green, eco-friendly existence. When it comes to gadgets and gizmos for the green home, Leonardo DiCaprio, Brad Pitt and Ed Begley Jr are at the top of the green game.

Green Celebrity Homes

Everyone is talking about going green around the home these days. When we think of celebrity's homes though, mega luxury comes to mind, not ecofriendly living. However, some stars have made serious home remodeling efforts to make their living quarters greener. Here are a few examples. Leonardo DiCaprio's L.A. House Long known for his environmental activism, that Leo's home is ecofriendly should come as no surprise. His L.A. home is powered by solar paneling and all of his plumbing is low flow and water efficient. Johnny Depp's Caribbean Island Depp bought himself a 35 acre private island in the Bahamas and is in the process of turning it into a totally self-sustaining environment, powered by solar and hydrogen power. George Bush's Crawford Ranch It comes as a bit of a surprise that perhaps the greenest celebrity home of all belongs to former President George W. Bush. The President's home is completely "off the grid", meaning that all the energy needed in the home is generated right there. A geothermal heating and cooling system uses 75% less energy than the average property of its size and the ranch runs on a gray water system. Such a system means that water is recycled and purified by rain water before it comes back into the home. The water is filtered into two areas - one for showers and bathroom sinks and the other for toilets and kitchen sinks. The house is also very small by neighborhood standards at only 4,000 square feet.Everyone is talking about going green around the home these days. When we think of celebrity's homes though, mega luxury comes to mind, not ecofriendly living. However, some stars have made serious home remodeling efforts to make their living quarters greener.

The Real Deal Behind Having a Celebrity Home

One of the major contributors to the success of the entertainment industry is the sales from the big screen. Nowadays, movies are becoming competitive in terms of animation, casting, setting and story. Most of us are fond of watching movies because we are amazed by the scenery in the movies that we do not usually see in the real world. We have seen a lot of houses from different movies where the story of the movie revolves. Let's try to know the real deal behind some of the most famous "celebrity homes" setting that already hit the big screen. The setting in any film is chosen carefully so that it matches with what the filmmakers want to convey to the audience at the same time fascinate them. Producers pay generous amounts to as much as $15000 per day depending on how long the shoot would take, on what type of house will be used and also on the homeowner's negotiating capabilities. With this enormous amount paid and the publicity, houses become instant celebrities! Furthermore, having to brush shoulders with the big stars and get to see the live shoot of the movie is a thrilling experience for the owner of these "celebrity homes". Richard Pettler, owner of the house where Bee Season was shot decided to let in the cast and crew of the film after a three-day negotiation. Pettler and his wife were hesitant when they were given a flier about the shoot. They finally decided to say yes after the negotiation and when they realized that the famous Richard Gere will be roaming in their own home. However, it is a different story for Matt Leffers. Having his house in San Francisco opened up for the cast and crew of Just Like Heaven starring Reese Witherspoon, has been a big deal. When the film site manager of the movie offered to pay him $2500 per day for intruding in his home, the offer seemed tempting and so he agreed to let them in. Although the amount is a large earning for him, sacrificing his privacy has been one of his regrets.This may be true for Kohle Yohannan whose home is intruded by at least 100 people in the Julia Roberts' movie Mona Lisa Smile but for him it's a matter of preparation and expectation. He states that one has to be ready for anything when one decides to make his home be an instant celebrity. The good thing however is that beyond the tantalizing paychecks are incentives that the owner gets after the shoot. Celebrity homes are returned to the arrangement where it has been found or better yet are improved compared to its original condition. Cleaning and fix-ups are just some of the services you'll be entitled to have. It also becomes a sort of advertising for other producers to rent your place and give a larger payment. This has been a great help for most owners in paying for their mortgages plus they can experience the fun that not all people are privileged enough to experience.

Thursday 11 December 2014

Homewares to Make a House a Home

When you move into a new house, you want to make it homely, make it feel lived in and make sure it's inviting when you get home after a long day and when you have guests over for a meal. It's not easy to turn any house into a home, especially modern homes are minimalistic in style, leaving you with a few options to create a spectacular place you can feel comfortable in. There are a number of items that you cannot be without, they will help transform the space, making you feel comfortable, relaxed and at home. The great news if you have just moved or are in the process of building a modern home, is you can choose modern materials, such as concrete to use for your home wares. This means you don't compromise the overall design of the property and stay within the minimalistic limits to create your own unique and personal space. Photo frames are a must in any home, these are home wares you cannot be without and enable you to place your memories around the home to make it feel more personal. Be careful when choosing photo frames, it's important you choose a design that blends in with your overall house style without compromising on the minimalism you're trying to do. Concrete options are ideal, offering texture, style and something unique to showcase your precious memories. Art work on the walls can instantly transform any home. Be very selective when choosing artwork, decide what colors and impact you want to make. When choosing artwork to place on your walls, you need to also decide size. Size plays a very important part in your selection process. A large wall needs a large and impressive print, a small art piece will look completely out-of-place. Ensure you pay attention to sizes, measure the wall and the space you want to fill and then search online until you find something that will enhance the overall design of the room to perfection. Now it's time to start filling your shelves with all your trinkets and books. Book ends are wonderful additions to any room, but are also functional and practical items. There is nothing worse than showcasing your impressive book choice in the living room or you area and they're all falling over and leaning in different directions. Book ends help keep the books neat and tidy on their shelf, enabling you to line them up and use them as a display. Other home wares you should pay close attention to is ornaments. You can carefully select a host of modern ornaments that will blend into your house style and help you give your house a homely feel. Concrete ornaments are a welcome addition in their natural color, providing you with an artistic addition to your shelves and a chance to make your house the home you have always dreamed of. What about the bathroom? You can add stunning soap dishes to add that personal touch to the space without cluttering it. These home ware items are not only stylish and visually appealing, but are practical. Rather than having soap suds to clean all around the top of the basin and bath, you have one item that needs are washed out. A final touch that you can use in your living room, dining room or the outdoor entertainment area is coasters. Coasters are a must have home ware item in any home and can cut unwelcome marks on tables caused from cold glasses and bottles.

This Is Why I Am Motivated to Work at Home, What Motivates You?

Here are some of the reasons I can easily stay motivated working at home. I revel in the peace, working at home gives me. To me it is pure bliss. No constant chatter of a sales office, the constant voices on the phone, with people interrupting your thought pattern when you are concentrating on a particular task. I just feel I have a big fat smile on my face all day, most days. Of course some tasks can be tedious but then they were at work, and I couldn't stop for a minute and make a coffee any time I wanted. I love what I am doing, I am creative by nature so I find delight in many of the tasks I do. I can take time to make sure the layout of a webpage or letter is to my liking. I can create articles out of nothing but a thought or an idea. It feels they grow out of thin air. I have a fascination with words and love writing. I love a challenge, so when I find something frustrating or tricky to master I like the satisfaction of the challenge and enjoy successfully completing it. I love learning and discovering new things I didn't think I could achieve, and learning ways to do things better or more effectively. I love the freedom of making decisions and the time freedom and flexibility it offers me. I have no difficulty staying motivated I enjoy what I am doing so much. I love being warm and comfortable in attractive surroundings of my choice, with the garden view through the window. I take a short lunch-break at a time that suits me, enjoying the time I allow myself, but eager to return to complete the tasks I have set myself. I usually stop again around 4pm to continue again most evenings. You would need to choose your work pattern, one that suits you and fits into your lifestyle. The time freedom and flexibility are a big bonus. I wouldn't change my way of life. Working at home for me is perfect, but it wouldn't suit everyone. So if it is something you are contemplating give it some serious thought. I hope you get as much pleasure from it as I do. So to sum up: I enjoy working at home immensely. Most of what I do I find pleasure in, would you feel the same? I enjoy the peaceful surroundings, with few interruptions and to schedule my life as I choose. I like the flexibility. I like to challenge myself and learn new skills without a time pressure set by someone else. How do you feel about this? Is working at home the right choice for you? I also like to work to my strengths. I am aware what is important to me. You will find when you do something you love doing, it isn't a chore, you are motivated by your own wish to achieve what you have set out to do. You can enjoy the day-to-day progress as well as the satisfaction of completing your goal. What more could anyone wish for, there are only a limited number of people who are lucky enough and able to work at something they love. People like actors, writers and sports people. Are you brave enough to follow your dream? You too could be one of the lucky few?

Monday 8 December 2014

Central Heating For Celebrity Homes

Even celebrities need their homes heating, so it comes as no surprise that they have to consider central heating installation. If they have just bought a new property that is going to be a little renovation project for them, heating installation will undoubtedly be on the list, and it is key consideration for any property developer, not least celebrity property developers. The Architect Knows Best Of course, we all know that the celebrities do not actually 'develop' their homes in the strictest sense, but what they do is liase with the architect about how they want their home designing. The architect will then advise them where the central heating has to go and suchlike, so that the celebrities don't get carried away with the aesthetic qualities and overlook the fundamental basics that a home needs. A celebrity viewpoint is often jaded with the idea of possessions rather than design and functionality, so that is why an architect has to step in. In addition to this, an actual central heating installation engineer might have to come round and advise the architect about where the boiler should go etc, so its like a 'feed' of information whereby everyone helps everyone else to get the job done right. You Will Not See Central Heating On Cribs, But Its There! Celebrity homes always look pristine and immaculate - you only need to look at them on MTV Cribs to see what lavish lifestyles they all lead, and their homes complement their characteristics perfectly. Naturally you don't see the ins and outs of celebrity homes on Cribs, like central heating, but all the UK celebrities will have it in place. Central heating installation is an essential requirement for celebrities, and they would not settle for anything less. It is also most likely going to be gas heating, and in some rare cases some celebrities might have oil heating if they live in a remote countryside location where connections to gas works aren't possible. Either way, they are going to have some lovely warm homes when they step inside. In some celebrity homes that are particularly large, there may be the need for a suitably large boiler to pump the heat round the house efficiently. Of course, celebrities can afford to have this in their homes. The cost of central heating installation, boiler servicing and the like are small costs to celebrities, but for some regular homeowners these can be considered pricey home maintenance additions.

Celebrating Home - Real Deal, or Fancy Rip-Off?

Chances are if you've found this Celebrating Home Review, you are looking to see if there is an Celebrating Home scam. Before you join Celebrating Home, read this entire review so you can make an educated decision on whether it is the right business for you. Let me first say that I am no way affiliated with this company, so you can be secure that this review will be 100% non-biased and I will in no way try to sway you in any way. I will just present the facts so you can be secure in your decision, whatever it may be. This brief yet detailed review will cover the company, the products and the opportunity. The Company Celebrating Home is a direct sales/network marketing/mlm company that markets home decor products. Mary Crowley founded the company in 1957, under the name Home Interiors & Gifts (a direct selling company) which grew to have over 100,000 active independent distributors. Then in 1996, another direct sales company called Home & Garden Party was founded by Penny and Steve Charlie. In 2008 the Charlies acquired Home Interiors & Gifts, and merged the 2 companies into one entity called Celebrating Home. Right now, the company has its offices in Texas with over 50,000 distributors in across the nation. They have a bunch of 3rd party support, having been featured on Good Morning America, Living Magazine and Family Circle Magazine, to name a few. They are a proud member of the prestigious Direct Selling Association (DSA), who adheres to a strict code of ethics with the mission: "To protect, serve and promote the effectiveness of member companies and the independent business people they represent. To ensure that the marketing by member companies of products and/or the direct sales opportunity is conducted with the highest level of business ethics and service to consumers." Considering all these factors, and along with the company's long and solid track record, it looks to be a respectable company you can feel confident doing business with. The Products All of the Celebrating Home products are related to home décor and design which include such things as: Scents & Fragrances Home Accents Dining & Entertainment Floral Arrangements Gourmet Foods Wall Decor Patio & Garden All of their product lines are marketed and distributed via in-home parties, catalog parties, fundraisers, and online websites the company provides it's distributors. The Opportunity Reps can join Celebrating Home & become what's known as a 'Celebrating Home Designer'. To join, you'll need to enroll with one of their Designer Kits. There are four to choose from, all at a $149 price point, not including tax or shipping. The Celebrating Home comp plan allows you to earn 30-45% commissions on products you personally sell. You may also earn cash bonuses, free products, car bonuses, and the opportunity to win free vacations. You also have the ability to create a long term passive cash stream by building a team of independent Designers. The comp plan looks to be fair and balanced, and could be quite profitable. Should You Join? From my investigation, you can rest assured, that they are definitely not a scam. They have a respectable management team, quality products, and a generous comp plan. However, having all these things in place will not guarantee that you'll be successful. The reality is, your Celebrating Home success will come down to 3 factors: your ability to market products, sponsor new distributors and properly duplicate your efforts. My suggestion is to implement a fully customizable, generic online Attraction Marketing System so you can promote your business and compete online, as well as have an endless stream of prospects to expose to your business. Once you learn to leverage a proven online marketing system, combined with proven offline techniques, you'll be light years ahead of your competition, and be set up for unstoppable growth with your Celebrating Home biz.

Celebrity Homes - Top 10 Fanciest Cribs Ever

If antiquity gods lived in the heavenly Olympus above the clouds, nowadays' stars have cribs that top anything else in the world. Choose any celebrity home and you'll hardly find any comparable house that doesn't belong to a star. So, what's so great about a celebrity home, apart from being famous? A celebrity home has style, Oscars by the fireplace and gorgeous gardens. In case you're wondering if there is any celebrity home top, read below to see how stars live. Hollywood is the most popular place for any celebrity home, for the simple reason that it is the heart of show-biz. Ahead of the list in the celebrity home top comes Barbara Streisand .This celebrity home is a huge mansion completely covered(inside and outside) with "aged" wood, stained glass windows and an outside garden with brick walkways and streams. The second place in the celebrity home top is the Christina Onassis house, including a 5 Bedroom, 6 bathroom estate with two separate wings, a huge pool and a squash tennis court. The third position in the celebrity home top is held by Madonna and her villa with a personal spa salon, artificial pond, golf terrain and a top interior design touch, including leather sofas and mirrored walls. At 4 we find Britney Spears, the proud owner of a tree-branch mansion with a resort-style pool and an amazing waterfall in the back yard. The 5th and 6th positions in the celebrity home top are occupied by George Clooney and Paris Hilton. The "Casa de Clooney" mansion is a 8 bedroom Tudor house with a large garden and golf terrain and with a design that makes Africa safari seem poor, being the celebrity home type in which you are likely to get lost. As to Hilton's celebrity home, we're talking a large real estate with a Baccarat crystal chandelier in the lounge, several pets' rooms and an artificial garden lake to go with the exotic palms. Celebrity home number 7 is Mel Gibson's and is the paradise-like villa we all dream about. Tennis field, heated pool, garden astronomy observer or large screens covering the inside walls are all there, because this villa is a celebrity home where living like a star is a must. The 8th and the 9th places are held by Colin Farrell and Denise Richards. If Farrell's celebrity home is the typical bachelor villa, with a wine cellar, limestone kitchen tops, beamed ceilings and outdoor billiards salon, Richards has redecorated her private celebrity home using a Japanese theme, with bonsais around the garden pond and a red and black color palette to match the mahogany furniture around the mansion. The final position is Marilyn Monroe's ex- estate home, an elegant villa with a collection of actors' paintings, a '50s decoration theme and a pool showing Marilyn's famous movies. Eventually, any celebrity home is special because it dares be original and it has that glittering touch that other homes lack.

Sunday 7 December 2014

Patio Furniture Sets with Gas Fire Pit

The modern style of stove. Perhaps, the stove with fire wood was used the person in village or hinterland area. The traditional cooking tools and nowadays, the people especially for the women used big stove in modern style. Traditional cooking tool actually could be modern style with new redesign because it could help to beautify the furniture specifictly the house themes are natural and

Why You Should Photograph Your Home


I bet you have stacks of photos in albums or boxes  (if you are of a
certain generation) or stored on external hard drives, on online sites
like Flickr or in the cloud.  When you sort through all of them you may
be surprised how few of them actually reference  the physical attributes
of your home through the years.    I went looking for photos to do an
entirely different post,  

At Home: Get Merry And Bright!

Rituals are an important part of our lives, even if they can be boring
at times.  My official marker for winter is an appointment to get the
tires changed on our car.  It's happened. Winter is officially here,
even if we only had a dusting of snow followed by torrential rain.

 Each year as I  approach the end of November, Christmas creeps into my thoughts.


 While I love to

Choosing a Drapery Colour

Ah, the dreaded question.  What colour draperies should I have?

Part of being a decorator is making informed decisions about design.
 Keeping current with trends  through reading and viewing is a must, but
trend knowledge is not enough.  You have to understand what affect your
choices will have on a space.

I posted this picture on Designing Home Facebook Page as an example of a

Those Canadian Bloggers

The finalists in each category for the Made in Blog (MiB)  Best Canadian
Blog awards  as determined by reader voting have been announced.  

This is the first year I participated in the  awards process ( Home
Design category).   Thanks to everyone who voted  for this blog because
you helped Designing Home make it to the top ten.  A panel of judges
will now decide the winners in each

Tuesday 2 December 2014

Soft Elegant Living Room Color Schemes

A living room is a main room in the house. Homeowners must have a stylish living room for best look. Well, creating a great and stylish living room is actually easy. If you thought that must break a lot of budget, you are wrong! Chic and elegant living room is easy to be created without breaking your much money. Here you can follow the tips to spruce up your living room as great as possible

Good Feng Shui Living Room

If you might look for perfect environment on your living room, you must try with feng shui living room ambience. Choosing feng shui for living room must be on the right energy foundation as great feng shui for the home. Well, it must clean, great quality air, cutter free, or great light these are the basic for feng shui in any living space. To create feng shui idea you must make sure to have

Unique Childrens Bedroom Sets to Go Perfectly

Children need to be concern at your home. Not only their growth, but children need also to be concerned for their environment. Talking about child’s environment, it might refer to the main point, well it’s the bedroom. Bedroom is really essential for all people, children are no exception. When it comes to decorate kids’ bedroom design, you must consider finding the right selection of the

The Perfect Small Laundry Room

Boasting Your Laundry RoomGood Laundry Room Flooring Ideas Checkers Floor For White ...Good Laundry Room Flooring

How To Organize and Beautify Your Laundry Room | Home and Event ...Small laundry room? Go up! The

Laundry Room Accessories | Home Design Ideas

Perfect White Laundry RoomFour Perfect Countertops for Laundry Room | home decor & design ideas

small space laundry roomthe perfect

Living Room In 3D Colors

Living room in 3d colors, means in 3d model design work with more of the clear furniture placement, architectural details, decor effects, illumination effects etc.


Modern Splash of Victorian Design

Victorian designs had always being impressive and loved by all but with the changing time, personal choices they are just found in pictures now. What if we get them back in our modern life with a modern touch of styling and new splash of impressive looks.

It will be like re-adding the flavor of Victorian age to your modern and contemporary house and villas. Let each and every inch speak

3D Floor Layout With Furniture Placement

3D residential floor layouts with furniture placement and other detailing (doors and window placement). 

Sleek Glass Walls

Interiors with sleek glass walls are a class of royal touch and beauty and these days are going quite popular to enhance the beauty of interiors and exteriors of the architectural construction. Glass has always been a powerful element to design architecture since ages. They have the impact to grow interiors into wonderful and beautiful spaces with their visual impressions and clean tidy

Handle-less Kitchen Designs

Kitchen space is one of the area which so full of storage, cabinets, pull out drawers isn't it ! Transform your kitchen into a seamless and uninterrupted beauty with the these inherent storage that too without handle on a single cabinet or drawers. Make it mess free and complete beauty with handle less kitchen concept.

Get the most elegant, sophisticated and modular compact kitchen with

Celebrity Homes For Sale

The stars, like anyone else, sometimes run into issues with their homes and need to sell. Be it a need to upgrade or downgrade in some cases, these homes typically spend a longer amount of time on the market compared to other single family homes that carry a much smaller price tag. It seems that recent months have seen the real estate boom not quite booming when it comes to celebrity homes for sale too. Celebrity homes for sale include Kenny Chesney, who, in a stroke of blind luck, sold his house for 8.5 mil, which was higher than his asking price of 7.9 million, but Kenny is one of the lucky ones. Some celebrity homes for sale are being relisted at lower prices so that they will sell, since the economy and hence the housing market are somewhat down in recent months. If the numbers are anything to go by, celebrity homes for sale are selling at about the same rate as other real estate in today's market. Celebrity actress, famed for her role in Charmed, Shannon Doherty recently re-listed her house, a prime piece of real estate that is located in Malibu, which boasts about 3400 square feet of living space at a price that is reduced over what she had it listed for last year. Doherty listed her house at 4 million, and last year had it on the market for about 4.4 million. Actress Kirsten Dunst placed her home on the market as well, adding to our list of celebrity homes for sale. Kirsten's house will reportedly be sold off at about 1.7 million. What a bargain for those of you who want your very own celebrity home. Treasury secretary, Timothy Geithner was reportedly having some trouble making the sale on his five bedroom home near Larchmont New York, and opted instead to rent it out after it didn't fetch the 1,635,000 that he had asked for it. Apparently even after slashing the price, the house still didn't go, so now, its a rental house, making it's owner a bit more on his monthly income. For those of you who are interested, this celebrity home for sale is bringing in about 7500 a month in rental fees, although we imagine he'd just like to be rid of the place all together. In other celebrity homes for sale news, as recently as two days ago, the Former Secretary of State, Warren Christopher sold his Connecticut farmhouse style beauty, located in Coldwater Canyon Drive in Beverly Hills. The farmhouse type home featured about 3400 odd square feet of living space and retailed for 2.15 million. It was sold to another celeb, the producer Fernando Szew for an admirable price. Rocker Flea apparently wants to drop his own place into the vast pot of celebrity homes for sale. His place, located on the Pacific Coast Highway has about 2700 square feet. Flea is asking 13 million for this one. It must be something worth living in for that price. Celebrity homes for sale seem to be everywhere. For the right price folks, you too could live in the former home of a star.

Sunday 23 November 2014

Living Room Designs With Fireplace

Living Room Designs With Fireplace. If you’re coming up with to decorate a living space with a fireplace, it’s arduous to urge around the actual fact that it is going to be the foremost focal purpose. Unlike alternative architectural parts in your home, it’s laborious to ignore or cowl up a fire. After all, it’s miles cheaper to remove a bay window or a load bearing pillar than a fire.But how

Comfortable Sofa Beds Design in This Week

Having a low budget isn’t a big downside to those of you who want to form a wonderful home with wonderful furniture. Some folks think that coming up with home requires spending a heap of money on expensive furniture, however that doesn’t have to be the case. Several sorts of low budget furniture that may spice up your space. Besides being low cost, it’s additionally comfortable and

Modern Interior Design with Nature View

Modern Interior Design with Nature View – Before creating a house, we have a tendency to must assume about the house plans 1st. The set up will show us what we tend to should prepare for the development process. Now, we tend to will observe concerning one of attention-grabbing house project that was built close to the mountain landscape.


The outdoor facade of the home is awesome. At the

Modern Fireplace Design Ideas

Not only do they give the impression of being great, however they can give as abundant warmth because the previous hearth styles. To get you inspired concerning the trendy hearth, you’ll be able to browse through the photographs in the gallery below when reading this post.

The old hearth vs. the trendy fireplace

With the previous fireplace, you’ve got to stay the fire at the medium heat.

Amazing Under Stair Storage Design 2014

If you are among the legion folks worldwide who have a storage drawback, then an underneath stair storage solution might facilitate. It is often an space that is hardly used for something worthwhile. With an below stair storage answer, you’ll be able to get the additional space for storing needed in your home.

One idea for storage below stairs is the attention-grabbing and genius pull out

Cool Kitchen Rug Design Ideas 2014

Every home should have a kitchen.Kitchen Rug Design.  It is a special place where the family cook or watch for the meals to be served. Because of this, the kitchen must be well-designed . Do you discover any trouble in beautifying your kitchen? The simplest means to make it lovely is that by putting a rug on the ground. Do you agree? Here are some kitchen rug ideas price considering.



Trendy Spanish Home Decorating Ideas

Trendy Spanish Home Decorating Ideas – Constructing a sensible looking house isn’t a simple task. One should have that talent to be inventive enough thus as to come make a copy with new ideas and thoughts. Not everyone will sit and produce a style for a fashionable Spanish home decoration. Thus, people who space unit reaching to construct their own homes, they must extraordinarily take the help

Bedroom Accessories to Personalize Your Room

Personalizing your bedroom basically requires creativity and sensitivity to arrange the right bedroom accessories as you prefer. It also does not have to be necessarily expensive and difficult since simple bedroom accessories placed in the right arrangement can still accentuate your bedroom within a good impression.

Layered textile materials, such as cotton, linen, and velvet, can be a good

Basement Bedroom Ideas

Looking at the word “basement”, it does not mean you will have to sleep in a dungeon, basement, or areas outside main house. Creating a comfortable and artistic bedroom in the basement cannot be impossible to do. Here are some basement bedroom ideas and tips to consider.

 Tips to Create Basement Bedroom>> Just refer the place as a lower-level area instead of a basement. It is important to

Types of Kitchen Cabinets

Types of kitchen cabinets are varied depending on styles and functions of the kitchen. The right selection of kitchen cabinets stands prominent since it gives your kitchen practical as well as valuable uses. Choosing the best types of kitchen cabinets somehow cannot be determined by the materials used, despite the fact that materials are important for warranting its durability. Shortly, for

Designing Kitchen Layout for Better Functionality

Designing kitchen layout is considered the most important concern prior to building a functional kitchen in your house. In other words, the best kitchen layout should meet kitchen’s functionality by considering the kitchen’s daily uses and kitchen’s arrangement of appliances, cabinets, and working areas.

The first matter to do for designing a kitchen layout, you should determine the basic

Popular Living Room Design Ideas

Decorating a living room should not be too extravagant and expensive. If you are in a tight budget, you could DIY rather than hiring an inside designer; however, if you can afford to use a great designer, then why not. You are able to prepare yourself and check out designs on-line or magazines to visualize the consequence with your actual living room.

Classic design really most homes have.

Backyard Landscaping Design Ideas

This means you are seeking Do-it-yourself backyard landscaping design ideas over a spending plan? you can be joyful getting right here due to the fact we have a terrific information and facts and recommendations with regards to to the way to reworking or developing yard landscaping over a funds by yourself then. Not too long ago, there are lots of home-owner dreaming to possess beautiful and

Outdoor Patio Design 2014

Outdoor Patio Design 2014 when you have fascinating and beautiful and exquisiteexquisite and delightful backyard and wish to boost your backyard turn into snug and making the most of residing area, then you must check out picket pergola types. Entertaining or hang out with buddies, patio with pergola styles develop into the most well-liked subject among the many home owner due to the fact it

Thursday 20 November 2014

Steps in Getting a Job in a Celebrity Home

While most of us dreamed of living in the luxury of a beautiful home like those celebrity homes we see in the papers, in the internet or in television, many are finding ways in living in these homes that require less preparation. Not all of us can afford to achieve our dreams and own a multi-million home just like that. However, we have alternatives in making our dreams come true. One of these alternatives is getting a job in one of the many extravagant celebrity homes for you to live in your dream house. These celebrities have a high maintenance lifestyle that entails them to hire personal assistants, chef, trainer, security guard, babysitter, house managers, interior designer, house cleaner and nannies. Applying for these kinds of jobs are rather easy but getting hired is the major challenge for those who are interested. Celebrities are always careful in screening applicants that they think would best fit in the work. Considering that they are famous people, their lives are prone to threats and other forms of danger. Trust is something very essential for most celebrities who hire people to work for them. Furthermore, experience gives you an edge in being chosen among other applicant. In preparation for such, here are some steps you may want to follow. Research. Just like any job, it's definitely a plus if you have a background on the company you are applying for. Search for information about the family, home address, hobbies, and all other details you may need to know about the celebrity you want to work for. With this information, you can have an overview if you will enjoy working with that particular celebrity or not. Also, you need to gather information regarding your job. If you are a chef for instance, you might want to know the favorite cuisine of your celebrity employer. Transfer. Move into the celebrity's vicinity. Inquire from residents or local officials what the celebrity does often in the neighborhood. Chances in getting hired are better when you live in the same community. Remember, trust is what you should earn from them and being in the same locality gives you that advantage. Promote. Make posters or fliers that could advertise your services. Or better yet, develop ads and websites so that it is easier for them to recognize you. Interact. Have strong references by working for influential people. They may not be celebrities but they can be recognized personalities in the neighborhood or elsewhere and are acquainted with the stars. Do not fail to ask for permission when you want to make them as your reference. You can also contact the personal assistant directly. They are indeed the right people to ask about the job. They serve as your gate towards your dream house! With the same enthusiasm in getting information about the celebrity, acquire details about the PA's too. Exchange business cards with them if possible. Prepare. You don't want all your efforts be to put to waste right? Do some warm-ups before getting into the battle. Prepare you attire, your resumé, and your mind and body for the interview. Stay professional and do not get too enthusiastic when you are finally given the chance to be interviewed. Celebrities do not want to work with people who are most likely to become stalkers or obsessed fans. Working with celebrities especially in celebrity homes gives you more than just what you want for a living. Being in those mansions alone is already an awesome experience. Plus, you'll be getting the pay you deserve. Just make sure that you are responsible in doing your tasks at the same time you are enjoying your work.

Friday 14 November 2014

Idea Knowledge of Globalization and Education

Wednesday 12 November 2014

Celebrity Homes Selling Predicament

Interest for a lot of television and big screen personalities does not only surface on-screen but off-screen as well, and it is the latter that is prevalent. Most of us get curious of what a celebrity's life is when he has time off the limelight. Then at some point most end up digging for some information about some celebrity homes. Celebrity homes come in marvelous sizes, features and locations. These may be mansions, ranches and lavish penthouse apartments. But some may not know that even the rich and famous go through the dilemma of having to sell off their homes. We all know how essential it is to keep a celebrity home's address. Now this is where the celebrity needs to make the sale public and where the trouble of him having to face controversies comes. The media and the audience will definitely want to know the reason behind the sale of the celebrity home, has he hit rock bottom? Is he on the verge of losing his business? Does he have any legal case to pay for? Is he undergoing a divorce process? Or maybe, just maybe, is he going from grandeur to a simple and silent lifestyle? Definitely the celebrity home owner would not want to show to the world any negative side to his financial situation. These types of questions tend to be an embarrassment to the person, and could affect the marketing and pricing of the celebrity home. In addition, there is the predicament of finding a buyer as soon as possible. Marketing agents and sites on the internet are indeed essential so that prospective buyers can find the million-dollar home for sale. A lot of articles like to reassure us that screen personalities are just like ordinary citizens, as celebrity after celebrity are dealing with foreclosure issues on their luxurious estates and many have slashed their asking prices. The real estate collapse is now hitting every socio-economic level. Reports of top television, radio, big screen and sports icons are facing financial troubles, owing thousands of dollars of mortgage payments while struggling to sell off their estate for years now. In many ways, the breakdown on the real estate industry has had a greater impact on celebrities and other high net worth types. Million dollar listings on the estate-selling industry have lingered for a longer time compared to others. Aforementioned are proofs thus that celebrities are not completely isolated from the perils of the real estate boom and bust going on in many parts of the world. Inability to sell celebrity homes on sale would lead to inadequate financial cushion on which to fall back, foreclosure may materialize for those who cannot meet their mortgage payments.

Wednesday 5 November 2014

Location of Most Celebrity Homes

For most, celebrity homes tend to be a source of fascination and to just gawp at the locations where the rich and famous permanently or temporarily live is already exhilarating. It would even be more breathtaking to have that one-off chance of seeing the stars in person. When talking of real estates, these celebrity homes are chosen in as much as average Joes buy and sell estates. Most are preferred because they are most convenient when it comes down to workplace, friendship and colleague, school, and transportation matters. Although privacy can be a big factor, celebrity homes are selected on the bases of affordability, practicality and where celebrities generally spend their time. Well, it is not much of a top-secret about where these homes are. So, let us take a brief tour around the best and most wonderful locations of celebrity homes, and have a feel of their grandeur lifestyle. Being the primary home base for movie, television and recording industries, it is considerably a given fact that Los Angeles has become the terrain for most celebrity homes. Beverly Hills or West Hollywood area, for most of the grander L.A. region has come to be the area where a lot of the top names in the movie business either buy or lease. Santa Monica and Malibu have become well-known beach communities. Home to many television's daylight, night-time and late night shows, and Broadway, Midtown Manhattan is substantially the chief destination for most stage actors. Many of New York's suburbs are home to a lot of the glitterati. Several musicians, fashion icons and athletes choose to live in Miami and nigh Fort Lauderdale. There are even over thirty celebrity homes in Miami. One famous basketball personality has his celebrity home on Starr Island, and other icons are from the same locality. Lots of former Miami Hurricanes, Florida Marlins and Miami Dolphins celebrities reside in the area as well. Chicago, a dwelling place to the "Second City" group, is known for being home to some of the top actors and comedians. Local sports prodigies are relatively visible, and much obviously, the new president gives pride to Chicago's celebrity standing either. Atlanta, home to the rising Southern rap and hip hop genre, has indeed become a leading city in the industry of music. Famous hip hop, RNB and country stars have their homes situated in the city. Nashville City is home to many of the country music's promising personalities. Celebrity homes of some actresses and singers are in nearby Franklin, Tennessee. Home to the NFL's Carolina Panthers, the NBA's Bobcats and NASCAR Hall of Fame, Charlotte of New Carolina is also a definite spot for celebrity homes. Being the state capital of Texas and the location of the University of Texas, Austin draws a variety of personalities, from a company CEO, to well-known road racing cyclist and actors. It is where some of the music industry's stars also dwell. It is the home or the celebrity residing that we are eager to find out more about. Celebrity homes are likely to have unique styles and marvelous features, like swimming pools, tennis and basketball courts, helicopter landing pad, high-end electronic equipment, and home spas, Jacuzzis and gyms. In the light of all the knowledge of celebrity houses however, it is also very essential to understand and consider the privacy that these celebrities hope and ask for. They are also human beings. A celebrity's life is already full of contradictions. Try not to add more to that.

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Tuesday 14 October 2014

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