We always felt remiss that we didn't do a tribute to Eunice Shriver. She died at age 88 on August 11th, exactly two weeks before her younger and more famous brother Ted Kennedy. Her life was no less remarkable.
Most notably, Eunice Shriver launched the Special Olympics and actively campaigned for her elder brother John F. Kennedy in his successful bid for the U.S. presidency. As you may recall, we previously reported on the home she shared with him when he was still a congressman.
Eunice was married to Robert Sargent Shriver, Jr., the former U.S. ambassador to France, who founded the Peace Corps and was the Democratic vice presidential candidate in the 1972 election.
Eunice was married to Robert Sargent Shriver, Jr., the former U.S. ambassador to France, who founded the Peace Corps and was the Democratic vice presidential candidate in the 1972 election.
They had five children. Probably the most famous one is their daughter, Maria Shriver (top photo, r, with her mom), a former NBC news correspondent and the current First Lady of California. (Maria's husband, Arnold Schwarzenegger, is the governor of California.)