Friday 21 August 2009

CHOW: Music Digs Rule!

TGIF! It's time to choose our Celebrity Home of the Week. Once again, we have three candidates. Only this week, they're ALL musicians. Purely a coincidence, we swear! (Forgive us Bryan Batt!)

First up, John Mayer . . .

and his SoHo digs:

*He's cute, so we don't give a crap about what his place looks like.
*He thought enough to hire a big name designer (Georgio Armani) to design his digs.

*Georgio Armani doesn't know d*ck about interior design!
*John couldn't "man up" enough to fire Armani midway through the project.

Next up, John Legend . . .
and his East Village Digs:

*His sexy voice is pure velvet, so again we don't give a crap about what his place looks like.
*His place is truly SPECTACULAR!

*It's not like he had anything to do with the interior design. He doesn't even own it yet.
*His place is not in SoHo.

Finally, Lenny Kravitz . . .

and his SoHo digs:

*He is cute AND has a sexy voice, so . . . well, you know the drill by now.
*His condo was actually graced by his presence and reportedly had personality at some point in the past.

*His place matches his album cover! Does that mean Lenny has lost his personality too?
*Any place that can't sell in SEVEN years is jinxed!

Our verdict? We were almost ready to declare this week another three-way tie. But we went back to look at the slideshow of John Legend's place. We were simply blown away by the views and everything else. F*ck SoHo!

Congratulations, John Legend! You have the Celebrity Home of the Week! Ciao!