Tuesday 3 November 2009

EXCLUSIVE! Enrique Murciano Buys Home in Hollywood Hills

It took a hottie with Cuban roots like Enrique Murciano to say ENOUGH with the Spanish mediterranean homes!  This TV star of Without a Trace just bought a mid-century modern home in the Hollywood Hills.  He purchased the 4BR/3BA home in August for $1.6 million. 

It took a lot of digging, but we found the photos!!!

We love mid-century houses and think this one is a fabulous example of what makes them so great to live in.  Like most, this one is deceptively low-key.  The front is unassuming, yet the back has a little surprise!

See BACK & INTERIOR PHOTOS after the jump>>

The back of this house has a lower level walkout to the pool, and an upper level breezeway that connects the wings:

That's what gives the living room below a treehouse feel:  

And, as with most mid-century homes, the flow from the living room above to the dining room and kitchen below is perfect for entertaining:

The master bedroom is nice enough:

and the master bath is fabulous(!):

But this cozy alcove overlooking the pool is our favorite:

We love this house!  We realize this house isn't for everyone though.  So tell us, readers, would you want to live here?