Wednesday 3 October 2012

Photography Love

Now I tell you, this is the thing I love about Pinterest. 
I came across this beautiful image that someone I follow had pinned on one of their boards.

Gorgeous right? Can't believe someone gets to actually work here!
So I clicked on the image and it took me to the site where the picture originated from.
It was a photographer whose work, primarily weddings was just stunning.
So I kept flipping through and thought when (??) I get married,
I would love this photographer to record the day for us but I just bet that she lives overseas.
I kept looking through and no, she's Australian ... 
but wait it gets even better ... 
she's from Perth - her studio is even in the same neighbourhood that I live in! 

Love how pinterest can connect you when you don't expect it. 

So with my little story, I am compelled to share with you some beautiful images from photographer
 Jemma Keech









So gorgeous right?
You can see more of Jemma's work on her website and blog

Now I just need to find a husband lol !!

** Please note I haven't been paid in anyway for anything written here or anything on my blog. 
I post it purely because I genuinely love the work and simply love to spread the word**

all images via jemmakeech