Thursday 22 April 2010

My favourite thing this week

One of my weekly guilty pleasures is tuning in to watch High Society on the CW channel.  Anything that combines New York and socialite in the same sentence makes me want to watch!  Yes it is like watching a train wreck at times but I can't take my eyes off the screen.  The show is based on Tinsley Mortimer (socialite) and her life.  Although when I say her life I mean her scripted "life" for the show.  She has a great loft in Midtown Manhattan and last night we got a glimpse of her closet.  I fell in love with the bold pink floral wallpaper!! I am not normally a huge pink fan but what better place than in a fabulous walk in closet.

Tinsley Mortimer

Her bedroom

Fab wallpaper found at Designers Guild

Not into pink?  What about blue?