Saturday 14 September 2013

ProBlogger Event 2013 - Day One

So I've done it, I went, heard, saw an conquered! 

Not really but you know what I mean. 
So I guess the first thing I want to talk about this two day event is me! 
Not trying to be selfish here but I spoke on Thursday about my ... 
hesitation in going as I was going solo. Well, you know what I survived!! Surprise.

In Darren's (Darren Rowse - the man behind the event and ProBlogger pictured below) 
opening keynotes he talked about fear, more about the fear of blogging but nonetheless
 it resonated with me and I'm sure a number of people in the room (all 400 of us)
 about attending such an event as a solo or you know what - even the fear in life itself!

The room was filled with some very enthusiastic bloggers! Such passion was felt. 
I love watching people who are just so passionate about what they do, it's great. 
One girl sitting in front of me did not get off her iPhone for the whole first session (that's one hour 
and 10 minutes) she would flick constantly back and forth with like a nervous energy 
between Facebook, twitter and instagram.This is when I realised these people mean business! 

Held at the beautiful QT hotel (remember I wrote about it here when it first opened) the 
two day event was full of sessions with varied topics covering blogging, marketing, SEO, 
ebooks, social media, selling stuff  - you name it, it was here.
Every hour there were three different sessions and topics so the challenge was which one to attend. 
But there was comfort in knowing they were all being recorded for the virtual portal 
so you don't miss a thing.

My favourite session for the day was the "Facebook Marketing Success" by Amy Porterfield
Amy is a social media strategist who used to work for Tony Robbins so her presentation 
skills were great, I could have listened to her all day.
Amy spoke about how to maximise the use of Facebook whether it be for your 
blog or your business and taught us a few tricks will come in very handy I'm sure. 

Another highlight was the session "The Step Changers" by three Australian bloggers 
Christina Butcher (Hair Romance), Caz Makepeace (Y Travel Blog) and Andrea Zanetich 
(Fox In Flats).  They shared some really good info on different steps and opportunities they 
have taken over the years that changed the way they blog and essentially changed their life. 
It was really interesting but I particularly liked Caz.You need to check out her blogs Mojito Mother and 
Y Travel Blog. I really liked what she had to say and inspired me to come home and read her blogs. 
Safe to say I am now a new avid reader. 

L-R : Andrea, Caz and Christina

So my verdict on day one ... well in all complete honesty for me, I didn't find it hugely informative. 
I got great information from Amy and inspiration from Caz but really that's about it! 
But that's ok, sometimes it's good to go to these things and validate what you do already know. 
And also what you know but haven't put into practice! 

I also captured this cute pic of this super gorgeous little car sitting out the front of the QT Hotel.
Had to share ...

I want it!

So much more to share, check in again tomorrow for my round up of day two.

(sorry the images are a bit dodge, it's as good as the old iPhone could give!)


all images via myfirstlittleplace