Sunday 15 September 2013

ProBlogger Event - Day Two

So day two and final day of the 2013 ProBlogger Event was a little bit more interesting for me.

Stand out highlight was "Video : Create, Edit, Publish On A Shoe String" by Hailey Bartholomew.

I've become a fan of Hailey's work recently so the opportunity to hear some of her tips was invaluable.
It was geared more towards iPhone and iPad filming and editing for the creative blogger. 
One guy I spoke to after said he didn't get as much value out of it as his blog was 
about finance and he wanted more professional straight forward information. 
I'm sure he could have got some tips from the session though.
But that just shows how varied the sessions were and that there was always something for everyone.

Hailey sharing some really simple tips - who needs a tripod, a table works just as well! (that's her iPhone jutting out on the edge of the table, sorry bit hard to see)

Well I loved it and wanted more but what I got is going to help me greatly.

Check out this gorgeous, gorgeous video that Hailey's daughter, Zali did all by herself! 
I kid you not.

There's still so much information to take in and notes to re-read from the two days.
 Fortunately I can go back to all the sessions, even those I couldn't attend at the online portal.

Amy Poerterfield and Trey Ratcliffe in the Sunset Lounge Q&A on "Growing Your Social Media Networks"

The above session was good, but I was annoyed I couldn't hear the questions (too many people for
those asking to reach the microphone) and majority of the conversation ended up being about
Google+  which in all honesty I struggle to embrace - strange for a blogger I know!

Darren thanking his team and speakers in the Closing Notes

Got to love a Russell Brand quote!

Oh and my random photo of the day ...

I'm not a real footy fan nor a Brisbane Lions fan but I thought this guy
(Johnathan Brown Co-Captain of the Brisbane Lions)
was quite funny in his AFL Film Festival film so I got a pic ...

So my overall ProBlogger experience was good. It wasn't as mind blowing as I perhaps anticipated.
But I know it was for many others and they gained a lot, which is fantastic.

Lots of good information was on offer over the two days and if you were new to blogging,
I'm sure you would have gained a bunch of new information.
I thought some of the speakers might have been a bit more experienced but it was
good to hear from some bloggers who are successful in their own right but not
perhaps the calibre that I wanted to hear from (oooh is that harsh? I so don't mean it to be).

The event was really well organised and fun, the team did a great job. Everything ran really smoothly
and on time which was good. And the location was great of course.

Will I go again. Sure, why not! But it will depend on the speakers for sure.
Oh and next year, I'm not going alone - it's just easier and a bit more fun when you go with someone.
But lucky for me this year I met some new friends which I probably wouldn't have had I not been solo!

All in all I give the ProBlogger Event a thumbs up!

Well done on putting together an great event.


all images myfirstlittleplace