Tuesday 2 November 2010

Topanga Canyon Casa

Have you ever come across something that kind of jumps out at you but you just can't quite figure out why? Well I recently come upon this house tour of a modern cabin and it is really appealing to me yet I can't pin point exactly why. So I thought I'd share as when I post, I gain more clarity...

Get rid of that thing next to the chair! I don't feel this all works together but I do still like!

Adore these colour coded books! Note to self - buy more books!

Hello chair! Of course I love this, it's yellow and white!

In what is quite a modern renovation of the cabin there remains this rustic bedroom. I really like the picture above the bed.

So pretty - the white, tulip table, outdoor blue chairs with the concrete floor...

Yeah I like it, it's kind of quirky but not in an annoying way!

images apartment therapy