Friday 24 August 2012

Interesting Build to This Heath, TX Estate - Guess the Square Footage

Check out this pretty interesting home in Heath, TX east of Dallas.  And yes, I bet you are thinking the same thing I did when I saw it - that's a lot of concrete!  Less to mow, I guess...anyway, take a peek at the pictures below and try to guess the square footage of this home.  Some things to take into account: the home appears to be all one story, it includes 2 wings of garage bays, has what looks to be an indoor pool and/or solarium, and is pretty lengthy.  Here's a hint - my guess was WAY over the actual sq. footage.  Take a peek and guess.  The answer is below the "Thanks for reading" message, so don't scroll down too far!  

Thanks for reading,

Total Living Area: 8,340 sq. feet
Total Under Roof: 13,550 sq. feet